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Website updated 26th July 2020
Village SOS Competition
What could your village do with a share
of £5.3 million?
The Village SOS Competition will give around 250 awards of between £10,000 and £30,000 to kick start community
They want to support inspiring business ideas that will bring people together in villages across the UK and support
activities and enterprises that will tackle the challenges they face.
They’re particularly interested in giving money to enterprising ideas that will use the skills of local people, and the
area’s natural resources, land and buildings.
Entry forms will be available to Village SOS members soon, so watch this space!
There are three main entry requirements:
You must be a community enterprise
Your village must be in a rural area and have fewer than 3,000 people living in it
They can only accept one entry per village.
They expect a high demand for funding. In order to have the best chances of success, use all the resources Village
SOS has to offer, including the Community and Advice Line on 0845 434 9123.
For more information visit the Village SOS website
© 2011 Community Impact Bucks
Community Impact Bucks
Registered Office Address
Unit B, The Firs
Buckinghamshire HP22 5DX
0845 3890389
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So What's So Special?
Where is Aston Abbotts
Aston Abbotts Today
Facilities, Industry and Threats
The Village Walk
History - Origins
Agriculture, Industry and Education
Population and Housing
Sir James Clark Ross
The Wars
London's Third Airport
The Twentieth Century
The Parish Council
Parish Council Documents
St James and the PCC
Social Activities
The Ladies Club
The 630 Club
Other Social Activites
Aston Abbotts Postbox
The Village Fete
The Village Hall
Annual Parish Meeting Minutes
Latest News
The Chronicle
About The Chronicle
The History of The Chronicle
The Back Page
About the Back Page
Cycling Fitness
Early Efforts
Aston Abbotts - Winter Pictures
Aston Abbotts How It Was
Villagers Pictures - General
Villagers Pictures - Ken Rhodie
630 Club Bean Competition 2011
Astonbury X 2011 - Page 1
Astonbury X 2011 - Page 2
Astonbury X 2011 - Page 3
Vic Scott Memorial Orchard
Christmas Lunch 2011
Peter Kent's Photographs
Jubilee Picnic 2012
Village Orchard - One Year On
Village Orchard - Autum 2012 Planting
Astonbury 2012
Astonbury 2011
Aston Abbotts Fete
General Videos
Bernard Osborn
Colin Higgs
Useful Links and Information